Bringing Montenegro and the UK together, Kristina Šebek our coordinator in Montenegro

Tell us about your work/role with SOL:

I am a SOL coordinator in Montenegro.

What, or who, was your first encounter with SOL?

It was Grenville, Belgrade Conference, 2013, I think. I remember I was really surprised how affordable your teacher courses were so I decided to speak to a man who was really busy with all the other teachers at the SOL stand. We had a lovely conversation later at the dinner table with some other participants of the ELTA conference.

What do you love about SOL?

I love how kind and thoughtful people are. I like the way courses are organised. Time with host families and teachers. Trips and local food. I love the fact that you can spend some time in England as an English teacher and perhaps visit a local school as I did a few years ago.

Where and what direction would you like to see SOL take in the future?

I like the way SOL works. It would be okay if things could stay the same.

When you’re not supporting SOL, what do you do?

I am an offline and online teacher and a mother of a 4-year boy.

Tell us something interesting about your country we may not know?

Brad Pitt’s first movie role was filmed in Kotor. Way back in 1988, before Brad Pitt was a household name, he started his movie career in Montenegro. The Dark Side of the Sun was Pitt’s debut as leading man in a movie and was filmed in Kotor. He was paid a grand total of $1,523 for seven weeks of work, but the country must have made an impression, because he was back in 2010 saying he wanted to show Montenegro to then wife, Angelina Jolie.

If you would like more information on bringing a group from Montenegro please visit our Montenegro page or email Kristina at

